Send Us Your Feedback

Let us know what you think of this site. We welcome your feedback and would be happy to hear from you. We do not want to put our names on this site because we want to give YHVH the credit and it is for His glory. We are His bond servants. Our hope is that you find something on this site that is useful to you. Come back again for we will be adding more content.

Please take a moment to let us know what you think of our site. Did you read an article that was helpful? Is there something you are looking for that you didn't find? Do you have a particular Bible question? Can you think of ways we can improve our site or be of help to you? We will try to address all feedback. If you are submitting feedback in response to a specific article, please give us the name of the article you are refering to. If you want a reponse you must fill in your email address. If you have a question or an article request, please be as specific as possible, this will help us greatly.

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