
Send in your answers to any posted questions or any questions of your own. Selected questions and answers will be posted as they become available.

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Q. 101 - Some people believe that the first covenant was done away with based on [Heb 8:13]. What is this refering to?

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Q. 102 - Who was Yeshua (Jesus) and what did He mean, keep my commandments? [John 14:15]

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Q. 103 - Talmid means Disciple in Hebrew. What does Talmid look like in Hebrew?

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Q. 104 - Did Jesus rise after 3 days or not?

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Q. 105 - Did Yahshua Messiah pre-exist with the Heavenly Father YAHWEH?

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Q. 106 - Where is the scripture concerning preaching the gospel first in Judea, then Samaria and then the rest of the world?

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Q. 107 - Where is the scripture found God does not dwell in unclean places?

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Q. 108 - How do you know something is true? Why does Jesus claim that he is truth? How does knowing the truth set you free? What are the consequences of believing there is no absolute truth?

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Q. 109 - Do all believers need to be bond servants ? and if so does that mean that we cannot enter heaven unless we are bond servants ?

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Q. 110 - Does the Bible permit Divorce?

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Q. 111 - Are we saved by works?

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Q. 112 - Is there scripture proof that one will go to hell if they call Yahweh, God and Yeshua, Jesus? Is the hebrew name Yahushua or Yeshua how do you know which is correct?

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Q. 113 - What is grace and how does it relate to observing YHWH's law?

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Q. 114 - Recently someone told me that we do not need to be baptized with water, but only with the Holy Spirit. Is this true?

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Q. 115 - I have been to many Bible studies trying to explain speaking of tongues. They go all around the subject but do not explain tongues. I would like some information on this subject.

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Q. 116 - Im very confused about on how to keep the scriptures and repent. Can someone please help me?

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Q. 117 - Are the 144,000 in Revelation 7 & 14 literal or symbolic. And if symbolic will you please expound upon the meaning? Thanks

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Q. 118 - Is GOD the FATHER and GOD the Son one person or two persons or the same person?

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